Liberation: Childhood Experience - New York


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It is time to release the past so you can be liberated in the present! This is the work we all return to once we reach that last crusty layer of patterns that do not seem to resolve no matter how much effort we have put into our self work. You have the opportunity to grow up again on your terms. We cannot skip steps to wholeness. The inner child is the most crucial aspect to awakening. If our inner child is not integrated our entire being will not feel safe enough to continue expanding our consciousness.

The majority of us are making choices based on avoiding triggers instead of from a place of love and freedom. In this workshop we address the areas where most people have suffering is in their self-worth, relating to others, and finding meaning in life. To address these tender issues, we need to go back to the beginning where the programming started.

In this workshop we address the areas where most people have suffering is in their self-worth, relating to others, and finding meaning in life. To address these tender issues, we need to go back to the beginning where the programming started.

Who should come?

Over 25: This workshop is relevant for anyone that is over the age 25 and who was a child with caregivers.  The best of parenting still comes with programming and perceptions that are not aligned with our true essence. The prefrontal cortex is not fully developed by the age of 25. Doing this work while still in the adolescent mind is less beneficial and it is recommended to wait to fully access this work.

Beginners: This workshop is facilitated for the beginner that is still learning to like themselves and overcome past traumas. You do not need to have prior workshop experience to attend. However, it is recommended that you have completed foundational self work.

Advanced: This workshop is also for the advanced participant that is wanting to fine tune on the subtle realms the places where their shadow parts have yet to be transformed.

Couples: Couples have enhanced their relationship by doing this work and recognizing how much of their history is projected into their current romantic relationship.

Parents: If you are a parent or plan to become a parent, this workshop will change your views about how to meet your children. Family members have benefited from participating in this work together to clear transgenerational trauma.

What is the format?

This workshop is a five night, six day immersion with three months of FREE aftercare. The workshop is trauma informed and facilitated by a doctorate level psychologist. This workshop provides both therapeutic and transformational experiences.

Tools: You will learn tools that are practiced daily and throughout the aftercare program to support your nervous system and optimal integration. One of the most impactful parts of this work is teaching you how to deprogram your nervous system of the imprints from childhood that cause unwanted stories, patterns, defenses, and triggers. Yes! I teach you how to neutralize these so you can create new imprints and upgrade your human software.

Exercises: A structured group activity to promote connection to the qualities of our inner child. Hands-on activities, role-playing, scenarios  games designed to engage individuals in actively exploring past experiences through creative expression.

Lessons: The lessons in this workshop are comprehensive and very applicable to life challenges. Lessons are designed to ensure participants deeply understand and engage with the material in a meaningful way.

Immersive Experiences: These are practices with deeper intention and time allocation these experiences, our body centered, introspective, challenged personal narratives, prompt, self reflection, utilize creative expression explore, subconscious patterns, confront deeply held beliefs, and facilitate emotional engagement.

Come ready to learn! Come ready to remember! Come ready to deprogram what is not serving you!

Pricing & Reservation

Organizer: Dana Humphrey
Lead Faculty:
Stacy Ellis
Aaron mandelbaum

March 30 – April 4, 2025

Easton Mountain Retreat Center
Greenwich, NY

Included In Workshop:

  • Six days and five nights accommodations
  • Lodging (added cost for private lodging)
  • Catered meals 3x per day and snacks
  • Binder with workshop and after care content
  • Virtual Reality Goggles
  • Other surprise gifts

Included Aftercare Program:

  • Aftercare Plan (2 months)
  • Website with continuing education and tools
  • Bonus lesson and group zoom with Dr. Ellis
  • Additional monthly zoom with group
  • All group support in WhatsApp

Pricing in USD:
Super Early Bird $2200 – SOLD OUT
Regular $2400
Repeaters $2100

Modalities That Are Used In Workshop:

  • Nervous System Deprogramming Tools
  • Trauma Release
  • Somatic Tools
  • Co-regulation Tools
  • Grounding Techniques
  • Mind Heart Coherence
  • Psychodrama
  • Immersive Exercises
  • Conscious Communication
  • Guided Visualizations
  • Group Process

The Science Behind
Liberation Workshops

